Field trip Friday!! An hour at a small, family operated, local Syrup Farm, may have been one of the most valuable experiences we will ever look back on. So grateful for the owners welcoming us on the property and being so gracious with their time and their talents.
How much does this one experience encompass?? The list is endless.
Let's start with the simple fact that we're talking about tapping the Earth of its natural resources. Then one must consider the very short season that a business owner has to maximize supply that is COMPLETELY dependent upon the weather.
Now we can discuss the time it takes to collect the sap, boil the sap, filter the sap and bottle the sap and the yield of sap it takes to make enough syrup to be profitable. Those are just some of the basics of the business side which covers how many educational topics in and of itself??
And there's the whole science and math of it all that we could discuss at length. And then there's geography... Maple syrup is only made in certain parts of our country, let alone in the world! We learned the history of how this Farm got started... So, at the end of the hour, what didn't we discuss and consider in the educational realm ? not much.
Home Education is visiting and learning about local businesses directly from the owners. Home Education is expanding that local idea and thinking about it on a bigger scale and all the other things that come into play.. you know, like the free market in its entirety. Home Education is supporting those local businesses (with CASH!) And buying the biggest jug of syrup you can . Home Education is relationships in the real world. Home Education is life. oh and cheers to new Homeschools friends we made!!
- by Nicole of Truth & Liberty Home Education